Monday, March 28, 2011

The end of a friendship

I ended a friendship tonight.

I'm not proud of the fact that i ended it but it was one of those things that i had to do. This friend hurt me several times-and it maybe petty to some but to me she made me feel so incredibly awful about myself.

So what did she do? Well when we were together behind closed doors she was fine but if i saw her in public she would completely brush me off-like i mean if we were walking towards each other she would treat me like i was a complete stranger!

I put it down to the fact that she is fat-a-phobic. Yep I'm fat-and she didn't want to be seen talking to the fatty out in public.

I did bring it to her attention and she gave some half arsed excuse that she was just busy or didn't see me...she saw me alright-I'm kinda hard to miss!

This happened a few times and well i just became resentful to her and shut her out of my life.

But tonight i deleted her off facebook. Do you know how hard that is to do?? It left me with such a ugh feeling. :(

But its done and its time to move on...

And to my new BFF Lisa H. I'd never delete you :)


  1. Firstly Bec- you are not fat- my lord!
    Secondly, what a horrible thing to happen and what a horrible thing to have to do. It sure does feel shitty :(. I broke up with my BFF a few years ago- i still feel sad sometimes (*insert Emo joke here*)
    Isn't it lucky we have each other now to fill that void?
    Love ya guts- no matter how big or small it is ;D

  2. Ps- that was me Bec! can't figure out how the F to do this!
    So blonde :S

  3. Hey funny girl you are a doll!!
    Unfortunately right now I am fat-I'd like to blame the boys and being pregnant with them but I do think it was more the m&ms I ate by the bucket load through all 4 pregnancies!!
    But that's still NO reason for her to treat me like she did :(

    I like have you as a friend-your genuine just like friends should be! And when I'm up your way in November we are definately meeting up and having a coffee-or tea as I dont do coffee!!!

  4. Well, I'm sure my caesarean apron and abdominal separation beats yours :P.
    I had no idea you were soming here in November- what for? Is it just cheaper for you to deliver my orders personally than it is to post them?
    PS- I don't do ANY hot drinks- they frighten me. Why would you want to pour scalding hot liquid towards your mouth? Seems Unnatural to me! But I'm sure we can arrange something! :D
